Testing (important)

This section provides more details on how you should test the integration before going live

1. Starting the integration

When starting a new integration it is important to not start directly creating shipments and pickups in the LIVE environment. You should first test your integration in the staging environment of Shiplemon.com and then move to the production environment.

To start with, each request provided in this documentation should be made to the following url


Before moving to a production environment ensure that you can see all the shipments in the Shiplemon partners dashboard (see below). After having everything in place you can change the url above by removing the "-sandbox"

2. For every request you make you can see the result in the partners dashboard

Every shipment that is created through the API is also available in our brand new partners dashboard.

In the dashboard you can also create shipments, cancel shipments etc.

An example image shows how your dashboard should look like after creating your first shipments.

In the first tests in order to see the dashboard your can open your browser and navigate to the following url. To login you can provide your API key.


3. Going to production

Once the integration is ready and you have everything in place you can move to the live environments

https://app.shiplemon.com (Dashboard)
https://api.shiplemon.com (Production/Live API)

Last updated